Who Is Jesus?
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
Who Needs the Church? Why We Need the Church (and Why the Church Needs Us)
Who's in Charge of the Church?
Why Are We Often So Boring? Reflections on Preaching
Why Did Jesus Live a Perfect Life? The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation
Why do I care? When other's approval mattes too much
Why Do I Feel Like This? Meeting God in the Emptiness
Why Elders? A Biblical and Practical Guide for Church Members
Why God gave us a book?
Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?: A Guide for Helping Teens Through Anxiety and Depression
Why Is That in the Bible? The Most Perplexing Verses and Stories—and What They Teach Us
Why Is There Evil?
Why Must We Forgive?
Why read church history?
Why Should I Be Interested in Church History?
Why Should I Believe Christianity?
Why Should I Fast?
Why Should I Give to My Church?
Why Should I Join a Church?
Why Should We Sing Psalms?
Why Should You Deny Yourself
Why We Pray
Wise Church Planting, Twelve Pitfalls to Avoid in Starting New Churches
Wise Up: 10-Minute Family Devotions in Proverbs
With a Mighty Triumph!: Christ's Resurrection and Ours
With a Shepherd's Heart, reclaiming the pastoral office of elder
With the Master Before the Mirror of God's Word - a ladies' bible study on first John
Wonders of His Love: finding Jesus in Isaiah
Work That Makes a Difference
Worries Woes & Worship: Moving From Fear to Faith