People in the passion of Jesus
Portraits of Faith, what five biblical characters teach us about our life with God
Puritan Portraits, J. I. Packer on Selected Classic Pastors and Pastoral Classics
Pursuit of Glory, a disciple's journey with Jesus
Reclaiming the Dark Ages, How the Gospel Light Shone from 500 to 1500
Salvation Through Judgment and Mercy, the gospel according to Jonah
Sarah Edwards: Delighting in God
Spurgeon: A Life
The Bold Evangelist: The Life and Ministry of Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon
The creaking on the stairs, finding faith in God though childhood abuse
The Excellent Benjamin Keach, 2nd ed.
The Life of Peter, Molded in the Master's Hands
The Lion of Princeton: B.B. Warfield as Apologist and Theologian
The People's Theologian, writings in honour of Donald Macleod
The power of faith, exemplified in the life & writing of Isabella Graham
The Reluctant Queen, and Other Reformation Women
The Tinker’s Progress, The Life and Times of John Bunyan
The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen
Theodore Beza, The Man and the Myth
Thundering the Word: The Awakening Ministry of George Whitefield
Twenty Biblical Characters
When Faith Is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians
William Perkins, architect of puritanism
Zwingli the Pastor: A Life in Conflict