REFLECT: Becoming Yourself by Mirroring the Greatest Person in History
Refresh: Embracing a Grace-Paced Life in a World of Endless Demands
Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord
Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies
Relationships: A Mess Worth Making
Remember Jesus Christ
Rescue Plan, Charting a Course to Restore Prisoners of Pornography
Rescue Skills, Essential Skills for Restoring the Sexually Broken
Reset Living a Grace Paced Life in a Burnout Culture
Resilient Faith: Learning to Rely on Jesus in the Struggles of Life
Respectable Sins
Restoration Story: Why Jesus Matters in a Broken World
Retiring Well: Strategies for Finding Balance, Setting Priorities, and Glorifying God
RetroChristianity: Reclaiming the Forgotten Faith
Revelation: A 12-Week Study
Reverberation: How God's Word Brings Light Freedom and Action to His People
Rich, The Reality of Encountering Jesus
Righteous sinners - the believers struggle with faith grace & works
Rogues in royal robes, exploring the lives of some old testament kingsand the times in which they lived in
Romans: A 12-Week Study
Running scared, fear, worry and the God of rest
Ruth and Esther: A 12-Week Study
Sacrifice Costly grace and glorious privilege
Safe and Sound, Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles
Saints and Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus
Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners: Loving Others as God Loves Us
Savoring Scripture, A Six-Step Guide to Studying the Bible
Say the Right Thing: How Your Words Can Glorify God and Encourage Others
Scarlet and White: A Practical Examination of Biblical Theology Focusing on Christ and His Church Through the Metaphor of the Ideal Husband and His Princess Bride
Schaeffer on the christian life: countercultural spirituality
Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God
Seasons of Waiting: Walking by Faith When Dreams Are Delayed