Captivated: Beholding the Mystery of Jesus Death and Resurrection
Caring for Widows Ministering God Grace
Christians Get Depressed Too
Church for grown-ups, intentional maturity for gospel congregation
Church Life, its nature, privileges, demands & blessings
Church Membership: How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus
Commanded, your mission: loving others God's way
Community: Taking Your Small Group off Life Support
Confess your sins, the way of reconciliation
Courting disaster, should christians & non-christians date each other?
Crazy but True connected to Jesus for life
Created to Draw Near: Our Life as God's Royal Priests
Cross Talking: A daily gospel for transforming addicts
Crossroads Facilitators Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Addiction Facilitators Guide
Crown of Thorns Connecting Kingdom and Cross
Danger signs of an unhealthy relationship
Daniel: A 12-Week Study
Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus
Defiant Grace, the surprising message and mission of Jesus
Disciple: Getting Your Identity from Jesus
Disciplines of a Godly Young Man
Disease, Scarcity, and Famine: A Reformation Perspective on God and Plagues
Dying & virtues
Education or Imitation? Bible interpretation for dummies like you and me
Effective Discipling in Muslim Communities Scripture History and Seasoned Practices
Eight Stone Gates, Taking Thoughts Captive
Embodied hope, a theological meditation on pain and suffering
Emergency rations, surviving the struggles of life
Encouragement, adrenaline for the soul
Endure: A Christian Man's Guide to Finishing Strong
Exodus: A 12-Week Study
Ezekiel, a 12 week study