Preaching the truth as it is in Jesus: A reader on Andrew Fuller
Preaching the Word with John Chrysostom
Preaching to a Post-Everything World
Preaching With Spiritual Power Calvin's Understanding of Word and Spirit in Preaching
Preaching With Spiritual Vigour, including lessons from the life and practice of Richard Baxter
Preaching – an Awesome Task, Wrath, Final Judgement, Hell and the Glorious Gospel
Preaching: A God-Centred Vision
Preaching?: Simple Teaching on Simply Preaching
Preventing Ministry Failure
Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Proclaiming the Word: Principles and Practices for Expository Preaching
Putting the Truth to Work, The Theory and Practice of Biblical Application
Reformed Preaching: Proclaiming God's Word from the Heart of the Preacher to the Heart of His People
Samuel Rutherford of Anwoth: A Study in Pastoral Care
Sanctified by the Spirit, John Owen, Habits of Grace, and Biblical Counseling
Seeing Christ in All of Scripture: Hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary
Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men: Spurgeon on Pastoral Ministry
Seven key principles for effective ministry, nurturing thriving churches in a postmodern culture
Shepherds After My Own Heart, Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible
Small Preaching: 25 Little Things You Can Do Now to Make You a Better Preacher
Some Pastors and Teachers
Spurgeon the Pastor: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry
Surviving the Fishbowl: Letters to Pastors’ Kids
Taught by God: Ancient Hermeneutics for the Modern Church
Tethered to the Cross: The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon
Text and Paratext: Book Order, Title, and Divisions as Keys to Biblical Interpretation
Texts That Transform: Church and Ministry
The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation
The Balanced Pastor
The baptism of disciples alone: A covenantal argument for credobaptism versus paedobaptism
The Brokenhearted Evangelist
The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart