The Christ-Centered Preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Classic Sermons for the Church Today
The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference, 2nd Edition
The Christian Teacher as Office-Bearer
The drama of preaching, participating with God in the history of redemption
The Family Life of a Christian Leader
The Gloss and the Text: William Perkins on Interpreting Scripture with Scripture
The God who goes before you, pastoral leadership as Christ centered followership
The Gospel for Disordered Lives: An Introduction to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
The Gospel Shaped Leader: leaning on Jesus to shepherd His people
The Heart Is the Target, Preaching Practical Application from Every Text
The Imperfect Pastor: Discovering Joy in Our Limitations Through a Daily Apprenticeship with Jesus
The Kingdom–Minded Pastor, How Pastoral Partnership Advances the Kingdom
The Life of an Associate Pastor
The Messiah and the Psalms, Preaching Christ from all the Psalms
The Ministry We Need, The Reformed Pastor
The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need
The Pastor and the Modern World: Reformed Ministry and Secular Culture
The Pastor as Counselor: The Call for Soul Care
The Pastor as Leader: Principles and Practices for Connecting Preaching and Leadership
The Pastor In The Sick Room Ministering the Gospel to Those on the Brink of Eternity
The Pastor with a Thorn in His Side
The Pastor's Book: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry
The pastor's life, practical wisdom from the puritans
The pastor's soul, the call and care of an undershepherd
The Pastor's Wife: Strengthened by Grace for a Life of Love
The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work
The Pastoral Priorities of 18th Century Baptists: An Examination of Andrew Fuller’s Ordination Sermons
The Path to Being a Pastor: A Guide for the Aspiring
The Peacemaking Pastor, A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict
The power of the pulpit, thoughts addressed to christian ministers and those who hear them
The Preacher's Catechism
The privilege promise power & peril of doctrinal preaching